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Gallery » Snow » Video » A glimpse of Röldal
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A glimpse of Röldal
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Da: SurfReport
Martedì 8 Novembre 2011
Numero di visite: 7048
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DescrizioneA glimpse of Röldal » Back in early May we switched the location of our badly disguised annual (Time of the year to perv on and exploit drunk Scandinavian girls) Volcom spring shoot from Trysil to Röldal... Röldal is a little resort in western Norway which co-incidentally happens to be the place where the deepest snow depths in all of Europe have been measured for the past consecutive 5 years.. Our snow shaper maestro Claes Högströmwas of course there & built us a couple of kickers and a super fun hip... Here's a little edit to give you an idea of some of the stuff that went down.. For more, pick up the newest Pirates flick, "Bottom Line" Filmed and edited by Pirmin Juffinger


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