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Gallery » Wave » Video » Euroforce 09 - South Africa - Episode 5/10
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Euroforce 09 - South Africa - Episode 5/10
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Da: SurfReport
Giovedì 30 Luglio 2009
Numero di visite: 3594
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DescrizioneEuroforce 09 - South Africa - Episode 5/10 » Third place for Dane Reynolds at Jeffreys Bay !!! Dane Reynolds (USA), 2008 ASP World Tour Rookie of the Year, lost a wave-starved Semifinal to eventual Runner-Up Hobgood, but impressively stamped his authority on todays proceedings, besting 2009 ASP Dream Tour rookie Michel Bourez (PYF), 23, in the opening heat of the day before taking down giant-slaying wildcard Sean Holmes (ZAF), 31, with the highest-scoring heat total of the event, a 19.20 out of a possible 20.


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